Friday, March 27, 2015

Riding and Ranting

Fair warning: I'm going to rant today. Yesterday I was reading my news feed and I got really angry. There was a terrible tragedy here recently where a pregnant woman answered a Craig's List ad for baby clothes and was brutally attacked. Another woman who apparently can't have children had told her husband she was pregnant, and when the pregnant woman arrived at her house she beat her and cut the unborn baby out of her womb with a kitchen knife. The pregnant woman was able to get help and will survive, the baby did not survive. It was a horrible, unimaginable situation.

Then to add insult to injury, a local politician (who has thankfully been disavowed by both parties) decided to commandeer the tragedy for his own personal agenda. He said that the reason it had happened is because God is punishing the state of Colorado for not passing a personhood amendment. My blood was boiling. This former mother-to-be is physically scarred for life, and most likely emotionally scarred for life. The woman who attacked her clearly has mental health issues and wasn't dealing with depression properly. No one should be trying to use this situation for their own devices right now, or ever.

Between this situation and the Germanwings flight which was apparently intentionally crashed into a mountainside by the co-pilot, I don't want to read any more news right now. Sometimes I feel like May in The Secret Life of Bees with her wailing wall. It's just hard to read about people hurting themselves and others all the time. This is why I also subscribe to the Huffington Post Good News feed. Sometimes it's silly and fluffy, and sometimes it's truly inspiring and heart-warming. It's always a good reminder that are lots of people in the world who try to be kind to one another, rather than hurt one another. Some days I need the reminder more than others. Yesterday was one of those days.

In happier news, we really enjoyed taking our daughter to see The Breakfast Club last night. It was nice to have time with just the three of us. It was also fun to see the movie at the theater. The scene where they're all sitting together and Brian and Andy reveal what they did to get detention was much more poignant on the big screen.

I managed to get a bike ride in today also. This one was a real ride where I was actually huffing and puffing riding back up the creek path at the end. The weather was beautiful, and I ran across two little boys who were keeping a toad on the path safe.

Grape hyacinths in our front yard
The view on my ride when I stopped for a drink of water
The toad and his protectors

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