Sunday, January 4, 2015

Baseline Progress

My goal this year is get to my weight back down to 125 pounds.  I didn't totally throw caution to the wind over the holiday break, but I also didn't make any effort to lose weight.  So I did put a couple more pounds on over the break.  It's not such a great thing because I'm going to be pretty uncomfortable in my work clothes when I put them on again for the first time in two weeks tomorrow.  Although that should certainly help with initial motivation.

I'm starting out at 144.4 pounds today.

My plan is to be down to 125 pounds by April 5th.  If I eat the way I know I'm supposed to, this should be more than enough time to make that goal.  In case I needed any further proof that it's my eating that controls my weight, I got it over this break.  The only two days over break that I didn't work out were Christmas and New Year's mornings.  I worked out every other day, and my weight is still way to high.

I'll also be working hard on my other goals.  I've been feeling a little blue today knowing that I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I'm going to miss my family, and the sad reality is that I work with a couple of very self-absorbed and inconsiderate people.  When I found myself feeling irritated with people I haven't seen in two weeks this morning in the shower, I stopped myself.  I reminded myself that in order to be a better wife and mom, I need to leave work at work.  I can't take things personally, because I don't think the two especially difficult people that I work with are trying to be mean, they just don't think about other people.  That's the reality, and my being upset doesn't improve anything.

I've been using my new photography tools and they are definitely helping.  My goal for the next few weeks is to play more with the settings on my camera so I can continue to improve my photography.  For the goal that I have to write and publish something, I'm planning on using work breaks to start writing again.  I'll update all three of my goals each Sunday to keep myself accountable on progress.

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