Friday, August 15, 2014

Funny Day at Work

Do you ever wonder if you're being punked and look around for the cameras?  I got into work this morning and when I logged into my computer there was a notification that an update was available for Adobe.  So trying to be a good corporate citizen, I went ahead and updated it.  But then I couldn't open any PDF files.  Which, ya know, is a bit of a problem.

So I did some research into how to fix this.  I'm not one of those people who goes running to IT at the first sign of an issue, I like to attempt to solve my own problems.  The first suggestion was to repair the installation.  I tried that and it didn't change the error message.  The next suggestion was to uninstall and reinstall the program.  So I unistalled it, but when I attempted to install it again, the installer was empty!

So I thought I'd take a break from this issue and do some testing on our HR system that I've been meaning to work on.  This is what I saw:

Seriously?!  At this point I began to wonder why I even came into work this morning.  I decided to try using a different browser and was able to get into the HR system.  So I was able to get some work done,  but I needed to be able to open PDF files.  So I  called IT, and not only could they NOT fix the Adobe issue, but then my computer stopped communicating with the network.  So they had to build me a machine from scratch that didn't have any of my settings saved. It was quite the comedy of errors, and not the most productive day. 

The day is over now,  and I was able to complete what had to be done today.   But man, it's kind of a problem how dependent we are on our technology.  It's like when there's a power outage and there's simply no work that can get done.  Sometimes I miss pen and paper! 

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