Saturday, June 21, 2014

Anniversary in the Mountains

I'm writing today's post while I'm on a weekend getaway with my husband celebrating our 15th anniversary.  This is going to sound really cheesy, but I'll explain:  I literally married the man of my dreams.  When I was in college and dating someone and the relationship wasn't going well, I had a dream about my future husband.  We were in the car driving home and I looked over at him and thought how much I loved him.  We'd been through our ups and downs but we were friends and partners and making this work.  We drove up to our house and our older daughter and younger son were playing in the yard.  I woke from that dream feeling very peaceful and knowing that the dream showed me what I really wanted out of a relationship.  So I ended that other relationship and held out for my dream.

My husband told me that when we first started dating I was a little intimidating because I was so direct about what I wanted in a relationship.  I just thought, "if I'm not getting exactly what I want, there's no point in continuing to date."  My husband recognized how strong I was and never tried to take over and solve my problems for me.  He was always willing to do half of the household chores.  He enjoyed hiking and spending time in quiet just as much as I did.  So everything worked out and we got married.  We did have a daughter and a son, just like in my dream.  We have had our ups and downs, but we are best friends and partners and we enjoy each other's company.  I also like myself better with my husband; he brings out the best in me most of the time.  So my dream did come true, and I'm so glad I held onto it and insisted that was what I wanted.

There won't be a weigh-in this week since I don't have a scale up here in the mountains.  Instead we're going for a long hike to look at some old mountain homesteads today (I'm sure I'll get some great photos to share from that hike), and we're going out to dinner at a restaurant run by a couple from Austria where they serve a delicious five-course meal starting with a heavenly cold berry soup.  I hope your weekend is wonderful also!

Some of the views from around where we're staying.

Last night we sat by the river and watched the stars come out as bats flew by overhead.

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