Saturday, February 1, 2014

Calgon, take me away!

Today has been quite the comedy of errors.  It started yesterday afternoon with an email from my son's teacher that he needed to redo a writing assignment this weekend because he had rushed through it.  Now, if we put math homework in front of this kid, he gladly works through it; but writing is a completely different story.  It's like pulling teeth getting him to write.  My husband did try to get him to redo the work last night, but Friday nights are tough since everyone is worn out from the week.  The reason my husband tried so hard to get the work done last night was because this morning I dropped him off at the airport to go to a concert.  So now I'm fighting through this writing assignment all by myself.

We also had a birthday party to attend today.  We went to Target and picked up a birthday card and gift card.  We got home and I noticed that Google Now showed that I was supposed to be at the party at 2.  It was 2:05 at this point and I was very confused.  I had received the Evite that stated the time of the party from 6 PM to 8 PM.  I did see that I got another Evite email, but I had assumed it was just a reminder.  Nope, it was an update to the time.  (Side note:  I guess it's good, if a bit scary, that Google Now reads my email for me.)  So I told my son to grab the cards and we'd go.  That's when I realized that the clerk at Target hadn't given us the bag with the cards.  We had to go back to Target and they had to watch the security tape of us checking out to confirm that we indeed hadn't taken the cards before they could replace the items.  We finally arrived at the birthday party 45 minutes late.

As I write this out, it doesn't look as bad as it felt at the time, but I was practically in tears.  Although I did realize that I needed to provide a better example of how to handle (admittedly minor) adversity for my children so I made myself calm down.  Of course now I have to shamefully admit that I don't think my weigh-in tomorrow is going to be encouraging.  I was using excuses to "justify" eating junk, and too much food.  This after the past couple of weeks reading Gretchen Rubin's posts on loophole-spotting.  Oh well, tomorrow is a new day, and I know it will be better than today.  And I will make better choices than I did today.

I realize that I'm giving away my age by referencing an old commercial in the title, but it's just so fitting.  However, it's winter in Colorado and my skin is dry enough.  So instead of soaking in a bubble bath, I think I'm going to watch Blade tonight.  There's nothing like vampires and Wesley Snipes in a tight shirt to take me away from my troubles!


  1. Hey, I'm going to be 39 in a few weeks and I fully admit I totally remember that commercial and still reference it from time to time. Also, I love baths. :) That birthday party change in time, that was a pretty big change! Yay for google for catching it, even if it is creepy?

    1. I'm going to be 40 in a couple of weeks, which is still a bit surreal. And yes, I'm glad Google read my email since I failed to; but it is causing me to have visions of skynet!
