Monday, May 5, 2014

Sunday Adventures

We have some lovely flowering fruit trees on a fairly busy street near our house.  I knew I couldn't stop in the car to take pictures so I asked my son to go for a walk with me yesterday morning so I could get some pictures of the trees.  He was a good sport and agreed to go with me, as long as he could take his scooter.  He would ride ahead for awhile, then stop and let me catch up before heading off again.

At one point he decided to try the scooter out in the gravel next to the path.  The wheel got stuck and he looked like Superman flying over the handlebars, landing flat in the gravel.  He was actually quite a trooper and got up and got back on the scooter since we were so close to the trees.

But on the way home he started feeling it, and started getting worried that I'd have to pick gravel out of his knees, palms, and elbows.  By the time we got home and got him into the bathtub, he was in full-on melt-down mode.  He cried when I poured rubbing alcohol over his knee, so apparently getting wounds cleaned out is far worse than actually obtaining the wounds.

Oh well, we had a mostly nice time together and I got some pretty photos.  He has bragging rights about the spectacular mode of his injury, and the scars to prove it.

We also went over to my mom's house yesterday afternoon, and her apple trees and lilacs were really beautiful.  

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