Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It is very important to me to be kind.  I don't always succeed beautifully, but I do try because I think it's the most important thing we can do for one another.  The place where I definitely struggle the most to be kind to others is at work.  I am there to do a job, that's why they pay me to be there.  I work with a couple of people who have been fairly blunt in saying that they are at work to make friends.  I have a hard time being patient with and kind to those people.  It's something I am trying to work on.  It's not fair to expect everyone else to share my values.

I tend to be somewhat like my recently late father in expecting everyone to give 100% effort to every task that they undertake.  But I always thought my dad was unnecessarily hard on people.  So I want to make different choices.  I want to be kind and more accepting of others who are different than me.  I don't have any prejudices based on physical attributes, but I clearly have a prejudice where values differ.  That's something I really need to work on.  It's not alright to dislike someone because they're different than me, even if it is an issue with the content of their character.

My husband and I took a walk on this sunny, windy Colorado afternoon so I could vent and try to get back into the proper head space; I needed an extreme attitude adjustment.  Being outside always makes me feel better which never ceases to amaze me.  I would think that by now I'd realize how much better I feel after I get outside, but it still surprises every time it happens.  I like the picture I got along our creek (with my phone camera), I know it's not technically perfect, but I think it captures the feel of the afternoon perfectly.

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