Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

We've got sunshine again! Yesterday morning and this morning the sun has been out consistently for the first time in about three weeks. Because Denver is normally so sunny, we were seeing stories in the news that people were suffering from seasonal affective disorder. I did read in the news this morning that while we aren't done with the rain (which is actually a good thing), we're going to be heading into a more typical pattern where we have sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon. I like a rainy day, or even a couple of rainy days every once in awhile, but I was starting to feel claustrophobic under constantly gray skies. I'm pleased with the change in the weather pattern.

The end of the school year continues to be busy, but we're in the home stretch now. My daughter's middle school continuation was last Friday. She is such a hard-working and conscientious student and was recognized for that with several academic awards.

My son's elementary school continuation is coming up this Wednesday. I'm taking the day off so I can walk him to school one last time, then spend the day with him after the ceremony. Oh, and so I can deal with my emotions at home rather than at work. I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I'm still struggling to deal emotionally with the fact that this part of our lives is drawing to a close.

Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S. which is the day we're supposed to remember all of the service men and women who died in battle for our country. I'm remembering my dad today. He didn't die in battle, although I think it's safe to say that he did die younger than he otherwise might have partially due to physical and emotional injuries he suffered in battle.

Not everyone in the picture above survived battle though. My dad is in the top row on the left end.

This afternoon while we're having out dinner over at my in-laws (hopefully on the porch, but we'll have to see if the weather is amenable), I'll be thinking of my dad and the sacrifice he, and countless others made.

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