Monday, March 31, 2014

Successful Day

I managed to make good choices today with both exercise and food, despite being so exhausted that I could hardly function and having an extraordinarily stressful day at work.  Or maybe I should just say ordinarily stressful since lately it seems like they're all that way.  I'm not entirely sure how I managed to make such good choices today, but I'll take a win when I can get one.  Although it might be good to figure out why I was so successful today so that I can repeat today's choices.

I've been trying to go without caffeine lately because my doctor told me that it makes fibrous cysts worse, and I thought it might help me to sleep better if I didn't ingest caffeine during the day.  But I'm giving up on that one.  I almost never get a decent night's sleep any longer, with or without caffeine, so I need it to make it through the day without being a complete zombie.  I guess it's alright to have a few crutches in life, as long as I'm carefully considering the consequences of said crutch.

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