Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekly Progress Report # 19

I had been doing really well with my eating this week and my weight was headed back down.  But in two days (Friday and Saturday) of poor food choices, I managed to put all that back on plus another pound.  Now I'm to the point where I need to lose about twenty pounds.  I may stop doing weekly weigh-ins with the holidays coming up.  My husband's family has food as a major part of their holiday traditions, so I never do more than hold my own during that time.  So this may be last weigh-in until after the first of the year when I have to get serious.

Weight:  142.4 (I almost weighed a second time because I was so shocked by this number).

It's starting to feel more like Christmas with our tree up now, and we're getting some snow today.  I would like to see a great deal more, but I suppose I should be grateful for anything.  This time of year everything is so brown, dead, and naked without a mantel of white snow.

What I'd really like to see is a storm like we had right before Christmas in 2006.  It was rather difficult to travel, but it sure felt cozy and secluded in the house.  It makes me rather nostalgic looking at these pictures and how little my kids were.  Another thing that no one tells you about parenting (actually they probably do tell you, we just can't understand until we're there) is how bitter-sweet it is to watch your children grow up.  Of course I want them to grow up, but I miss them being little terribly.

I did not get up at 4:15 this morning.  My work holiday party was last night, and we didn't get home until after 10:00, so I slept until I awoke without the alarm at 6:00 today.  I don't like parties because I'm such an introvert.  I especially don't like work holiday parties where I'm obligated to mingle and make small-talk with people I don't know that well.  It was pretty awful driving to the party between the Avalanche game and the police closing roads intermittently due to protesters marching.  I was just about to tell my husband to forget it when we found a parking lot with spaces on Larimer and Speer downtown.

We dressed up and put in our appearance.  I was worried that the skirt I was planning on wearing wouldn't fit me any longer.  It was a little tighter than I would have liked, but even my 13-year-old told me I looked nice, so I guess it was passable.  My daughter did my makeup for me and we're done with that for at least another year!  Phew!

My husband and I all decked out for the party

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