Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly Weigh-In #10

As I indicated earlier this week, I've been stress eating, with gusto.  So my weigh-in isn't very encouraging; I gained 2 pounds this week.


It wouldn't be professional to discuss all of the issues that are causing me so much stress at work, so I can't write about it.  But things are fairly intense at the moment, and I haven't been handling it very well.  Actually, I think I'm handling it pretty well at work and remaining professional, I'm just not handling it well personally and I'm allowing my own personal health and goals to suffer because of it.  I'm trying some meditation and other stress management techniques, and looking at other options at the moment, so hopefully that will improve.

My son has been extra challenging lately, but my husband and I put our heads together, and we seem to have come up with some new ideas that are working well at the moment.  So my stress at home is starting to wane, which is very helpful.  I still have some other personal stress that I'm dealing with, though I also have a plan for that.  I'm going to sit down and have a conversation with my mom about the differences in our opinions about religion.  I know it will upset and worry her, but it's past time to do it, and I think that will help further lesson my stress.  Part of the reason this has been so stressful is because I don't feel like I can just be myself around my mother.  The other problem is that it seems like she's really been digging to figure out what I believe since my dad's death.  I haven't wanted to upset her because I know she's still really struggling with his death, but I think it's time.  So that will leave me with primarily work stress, which I think I'll be able to deal with better if I'm not getting hit so hard at home any longer.

We've been having the most beautiful fall here this year.  We've got plenty of trees with yellow leaves, and also orange, every shade of red, and even purple.  I've been told that out east there are even blue leaves, so I guess we can't quite compete with that (and I desperately want to see it someday).  But for Colorado, it has been an amazing fall with perfect temperatures and no snow yet, so the leaves are all still on the trees.

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