Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My Brain Hurts

I'm still really enjoying my new job, and I'm still totally consumed by everything going on there and at home. I'm counting down the days until my co-worker returns from maternity leave and I can (hopefully) focus on a more select number of things. Right now my days are flying by between trying to work on the projects that are ultimately my job, and fixing all of the urgent issues that arise each day that will go back to my employee when she returns from leave.

We've been very busy at home also. We had a wedding to attend on New Year's Day, for a young woman who my husband taught in fourth grade, and yes, I'm feeling kind of old these days. It was so much fun though as we were there with several of our friends and their children. I just wish it had started earlier than 6:30 at night, because after being up late on New Year's Eve, I just didn't have much stamina the next evening.

The kids started back to school this week and that's been a challenging transition. They're tired because they had allowed themselves to get on a later sleeping schedule, so they're kind of grumpy and emotional this week. But it'll pass...until spring break anyway.

I don't even have very many photos to share right now, just a couple that I've managed to take recently.
Moon and star this morning on my way to work.

From an evening walk with my husband the other night.

Quick walk at lunch time yesterday. There are some nice views around my office.
That's really all there is for the check-in right now. I'm mentally exhausted every day when I get home, so I've been doing a great deal of reading out of real books to give my eyes a rest from screens. I'm still hopeful that come February I'll have a little more time and energy to post more regularly.

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