Friday, June 26, 2015

Happy Friday

I'm in a pretty good mood today. It was our half day at work. The sun is shining, there's a gentle breeze, and it's about 80 degrees outside. The news on my reader was good today. So yeah, I'm just feeling good right now.

I got out with the camera today and took a few shots of the pretty blooms in my neighborhood. I was playing with my camera settings to capture something a little more artsy in a few of these.

This is a picture from a couple of nights ago that I wanted to share because I just loved the color of the sky.

I'm going to start my weigh-ins again this weekend, and I'm feeling a little sheepish about it. I didn't gain much weight on vacation because of all the walking we did, but I've put a couple more pounds on since we've been home and I've been back to my sedentary office job. Oh well, at least now I've given myself to work towards (getting to see Crimson Peak in the theater). Maybe it will really help.

On a related note, I really struggle sometimes to choose a drink. Sometimes I want something with more flavor than water, but I try to avoid caffeine so that when I really need it it will still work. But pretty much all of the caffeine-free drinks have sugar, so calories. At home I can make myself an herbal iced tea, but that's not an option when I'm out. Does anyone else struggle with this (fairly trivial) issue?

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