Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Gift of a Day

Today has been such a gift.  I got up early this morning and went for a walk while it was still dark and quiet.  I got to listen to the crickets sing.  I could see the stars in the eastern sky, including Orion on the horizon.  The western sky was lit up with a beautiful and bright full moon.  It was bright enough to make the silhouettes of the mountains visible in the dark.

I took the day off from work to hang with my kiddos.  My daughter is starting 7th grade and my son is starting 4th grade.  We got a special breakfast and ate together on our back deck, something that is such a treat since we so rarely get to take the time in the morning.

I walked my son to school along our creek which looks simply beautiful in the early morning with the dappled sunlight.

My daughter didn't have to go to school until close to noon as the school has only the 6th graders attend in the morning on the first day and the 7th and 8th graders attend in the afternoon.  So she and I got to spend the morning visiting (and attempting to calm down her 1st day jitters!)  It was very nice to have some time with just the two of us and no interruptions.

I'll be picking my son up soon and he I will have a couple of hours together this afternoon so he can tell me all about his first day.  Then we'll pick his sister up from the bus stop and go and get frozen yogurt as a final first-day treat.

It's rare for me to get a day like this, and I truly appreciate and treasure it.

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