Thursday, October 3, 2013

Choosing NOT to Decide - Government Shutdown

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.  - A line from Freewill by Rush

Our elected officials have abdicated their responsibility to choose a sensible path for our country here in America.  People are standing on principles that don’t make any sense.  The government has the charge to enact laws that are best for the majority of the people.  This means that no one particular ideological stance is going to make sense for everyone.  People need to talk to and listen to each other and try to find win-win solutions.  

I am dismayed by adults that act like 5-year old children throwing a temper tantrum and refuse to listen to others or even acknowledge that others might have a different and valid point of view.  Please note that I am not “taking sides” here; I’m blaming everyone who has been elected as a public servant but fails to understand their duty to said public.

Of course I think a big part of the problem is how much time people in general spend ranting and raving about their pet soapbox (and yes, I’m fully aware of the irony here), rather than having rational conversations and attempting to understand another’s view.  Internet comments tend to be filthy with negative comments and name-calling, rather than calm discussion about disagreements.  

Can’t we all choose to do better than this?  I wonder what we, as the human race, could accomplish if, instead of putting each other down, we propped each other up.  What if we all helped each other to identify our strengths so we could spend our time using them and thus feel successful and happy?  What if, when we have the inevitable difference of opinion, we calmly and respectfully disagreed and listened, rather than devolving to name-calling and personal attacks?  Perhaps I should stop following politics and reading internet comments which seem to bring out the very worst in people so that I can retain my faith in the inherent goodness of people.

Alright, I’m now stepping off of my soapbox and choosing to be the change I want to see in the world.  Feel free to disagree with me in the comments, respectfully of course!

Image:  Creative Commons Photo "Argument between daughter and mother" by Tambako the Jaguar

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