It's been a couple of days since I've been able to post. It's difficult to write when you're traveling for business (and binge-watching Haven on Netflix in the hotel room). But since I have a little bit of time before the training starts this morning, (and the WiFi connection isn't working well enough to watch Haven), I thought I'd use the time to check in.
I'm in Chicago for a training class and traveling with a co-worker who is a pretty good travel partner. She's willing to go explore and try new things. I once worked and traveled with a woman who wouldn't eat anywhere but chain restaurants and wouldn't walk any further than the parking lot of the hotel. She was pretty shocked when I told her I'd gone out for a walk and found a wonderful park, in a town I'd never visited before.
The training class is going fairly well so far, except that the instructor is rather impatient with the slower learners in the class. Luckily this type of stuff comes easily to me so I'm not having any problems, but it's uncomfortable to watch him practically berate people if they didn't understand his instructions the first time. This particular company sends their folks through rotations, so sometimes we get technical experts for the training classes who aren't really born teachers. But I imagine we'll all get through this, and he is very knowledgeable so I feel like we're getting deeper information.
Last night I walked about 4 miles with my co-worker to eat at a German bar called the
Glunz Tavern that opened in 1888, then closed down for prohibition and didn't reopen for 90 years. I knew it was going to be difficult to eat well this week, and I'm feeling a bit nervous about my weigh-in at the end of the week. But I'll keep trying to make sensible decisions and being really careful with breakfast, since we'll be eating out at lunch also.
This is a window inside the Glunz Tavern which I believe they have backlit.
This was one of the lighted buildings on our walk back. Since Google so kindly auto-awesomed the photo for me, I thought I'd share that version. Cell phones are decent back-up cameras, but low-light is generally not their strength, so this version is more interesting.
I'll try to find some time to post a few more pictures each evening while I'm here in Chicago this week. It really is a very beautiful city with some amazing architecture.