Friday, September 12, 2014

Workout Weather

We've had some wonderful weather lately for workouts.  On Wednesday morning when I awoke it was raining, but I decided I was going out anyway.  By the time I got home, my rain jacket was so wet that I had to toss it in the dryer while I showered so I'd have it for work.  Yesterday I did weights so I didn't have to worry about the weather.  This morning I did walk/jog intervals in weather so cold that I had to wear a hat and gloves.  But it was beautiful.  It was overcast so there wasn't much light, and there were tendrils of mist that I got to move through.  That may not sound like anyone else's idea of beautiful, but it's rare weather for my neck of the woods, so it was very enjoyable.

I think what I enjoy most about this weather is the cooler temperatures.  It's so nice to go out for a walk and not come back covered in sweat.  I just feel like I have more energy and can keep going for longer when it's not so hot.  So it's pretty exciting that we're getting into that time of year when it will be "workout weather" more and more often.  We had snow in the forecast for this morning, but it didn't happen at my altitude, it sounds like just about 1,000 more feet and we would have had some too.  But it probably would have made me more likely to slip and fall, so maybe I should be grateful for the cool air and mist!  The forecast high for Sunday is 85 degrees Fahrenheit, so we're not yet to the time of year where this is permanent, but it's nice to see it begin to visit.

For now it's cool enough that I'm going to enjoy a nice cup of hot tea in this fabulous literary quote mug my kids got me for Christmas last year.

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