I haven't posted much recently because I didn't necessarily want to take my readers along with me on my emotional roller-coaster ride. I'm not surprised by how busy and stressful work has gotten lately, it's pretty much the regular cycle; and I am still very grateful to be employed. However, I am having a difficult time dealing with it since home has also been pretty stressful so I feel like I don't have any time to recharge. I think we're going to have to reach out to the specialists again to get some new tools to help my son. He was doing so much better than he had been, then school started again. He did really well for the first couple of weeks, but now we're struggling again, and seeing some new and rather unpleasant behaviors.
The thing is, we have the type of structured and supportive home-life that should help. My husband was a fourth-grade teacher for 17 years (now he teaches the teachers). I ran a before and after school program for several years right after college and was really good with the troubled kids. If there is any family that should be equipped to deal with a difficult child, it's us. But we've run out of tools and ideas...and patience. I just need some time where I don't have to wallow in stress to recharge a bit, so I have the patience again. Right now it just feels like there's no chance to come up for air. I realize that I need to make that time, but every time I plan on making that time, something happens and my plans go out the door.
I read an article this weekend about a mother of a difficult child who was dealing with so much stress that she had a type of heart problem similar to a heart attack. Quite frankly I'm a little worried that if I don't do something to manage my stress, that's the road I'll be headed down. Since all of this is making me want to have a break from myself, I didn't want to share any of it while I was at the apex of my emotional response. Hopefully I'll figure out how to deal with this stress and will feel more like sharing.
We did get in a nice leaf drive up in the mountains this weekend. I told myself to grab a sweater before we headed up since it was only about 72 degrees (Fahrenheit) at home, then forgot. It was 52 degrees up in the mountains, and I was rather chilly when we stopped and got out to walk around and take pictures. My dad would be incredibly disappointed that I didn't practice my 7 Ps: Proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance.
While Colorado's prevailing autumnal color will always be yellow, some of the aspen trees had orange leaves, a few were even leaning towards red up close.
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