Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another Turning Point

Well, we're finished with elementary school. My son's 5th grade continuation ceremony was this morning. Afterwards my husband and I took him out for brunch. Then I took him to go look at dwarf hamsters which he'll be getting this summer. This afternoon I took the both the kids out to get frozen yogurt and celebrate the last day of school.

Last day of 5th grade

During the continuation ceremony one of the speakers talked about how they had entered the school as little Kindergarten students six years ago, and now they were leaving for middle school. I have very vivid memories of the first day of Kindergarten for both of my kids. I dropped my daughter off in her class and she hollered "bye" over her shoulder as she ran off to greet the experience, while I fought tears. When my son started school, parents weren't allowed in the building, so I stood outside (fighting tears, again) as a little boy held his hand and walked him in to the building while my son was crying. I'm still working on accepting the fact that it's all done now.

First day of Kindergarten

On the weight front, I posted that my new goal is to really focus when we get back from our vacation and get down to my goal weight of 125 pounds by Halloween. I've decided that if I achieve that, I'm giving myself the reward of getting to see Crimson Peak in the theater. If not I'll have to wait to watch it until it comes out on Netflix (though not streaming, that would be cruel and unusual punishment).

I'm also all set on my summer reading. I'm reading Jane Eyre right now in this lovely leather-bound book that my grandmother got for me a long time ago (which is apparently a "rare" book now). My mom got me The Seamstress for Mother's Day. I picked up The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August while we were shopping for a retirement present for my son's teacher. I also got A History of God on an impulse buy on Kindle. So I'm all set for a few weeks anyway! For this fall I've still got October Dreams 2 which I got for my birthday in February but am waiting until fall to read.

I probably won't be posting again for a couple of weeks, and should have some pretty spectacular photos from Ireland at that time. I hope the end of the school year goes well for all my readers!

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