Sunday, May 10, 2015

Weekly Progress Report # 19 and Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! We're having a rather unique Mother's Day from a weather perspective.

Yep, we got about 6 inches of snow overnight. I've already noticed one tree branch sitting on the fence, I'm hoping we don't lose any others.

It was raining off and on again all day yesterday, then around 7:00 last night it turned to snow, and kept up until this morning. But now the sun is out, for the first time in over a week! So this will all be gone by tomorrow morning; that's Colorado for you.

Here's a picture out my in-laws back door when the snow first started falling last evening, it still just looks mostly wet at this point.

This picture is about an hour later when the snow started to stick.

We've had a busy weekend which by the time it's all over will have included a college graduation party and two Mother's Day celebrations. My kids were in seventh heaven at the graduation party because our friends got new puppies.

This picture is before everyone else had arrived when they had the puppies all to themselves.

The weigh-in is not such good news this week. I had a mediocre week with food choices. Most days I ate more calories than I should have, but it wasn't double or anything too outrageous. Then last night my husband and my father-in-law prepared their annual Mother's Day feast. I tried to take fairly small amounts of everything, but they had just prepared so many courses that even eating small amounts I was overly full and uncomfortable last night. My husband tries to reign his dad in, but it just doesn't work. My father-in-law always comes from a good place, but I need to figure out how to say "no, thanks" to him without hurting his feelings. Because pretty much every time I totally derail myself, it's because we've had dinner with my in-laws and my father-in-law has pushed food and drink until I give in. I'm not saying this is his fault, I'm just saying I need to figure out how to deal with this.

Here's the bananas foster my husband made to go with his homemade vanilla custard. This followed shrimp, olive salad, green salad, corn maque choux, jambalaya, and bread for a New Orleans feast.

Weight: 142.1 pounds

Weight Change: + 1.6 pounds

Tonight we're taking my mom out to dinner for Indian, so I imagine today I'll be consuming more calories than I ought to also. I've decided that I'm going to get serious again tomorrow though. We're leaving for Ireland in three weeks, and I'd really like my new pants to be a little looser for this trip. Then I'm just going to try to make sensible portion choices while we're in Ireland. Once we get back home I'll really start the push to reach my goal weight by Halloween.

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