So...after a couple of weeks of being really focused and making some progress, I've been stress eating again for the last couple of days. Which of course means that my weigh-in this week probably won't show much progress. I guess that means reaching my goal by Halloween is pretty much out the window. But I'm not giving up, and I still hope to be closer to my goal by Halloween.
Today when I was going for the food I was fully aware that I shouldn't be eating, and that I was only doing so for emotional reasons. But I just didn't stop because I've been dealing with so much emotionally that I wasn't willing to be strong at that moment. I know there are better things that I can do to treat myself. I could read for a few minutes. I could go for a short walk. I could listen to a guided meditation session. If I have more time, I could take a bath by candlelight. I didn't choose any of those things today. Hopefully I'll make better choices tomorrow.
I saw another red leaf this morning. Summer is definitely winding down.
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