Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nature Walk and an Evening to Myself

Last night I went on a walk with my son and we saw some wonderful nature.  Of course I only had my cell phone so the pictures aren't great.

Mushroom growing next to the path
Spider guarding its funnel shaped web
Snake in the grass
Some of the trees have started losing their leaves
After we went for our walk we came home and had dinner, then I did the dishes and went for another walk with my husband.

This view makes the dishes a little easier to bear
This morning I went for a walk/jog and really enjoyed the view of the moon in the clouds.  Since I woke up 25 minutes before the alarm went off, I had time to set up my tripod and my real camera when I got back home.  I like the colors in the clouds, but I'm not happy with the clarity of the picture; even with the tripod and setting the timer so I wasn't touching the camera.  But at least you can get an idea of how impressive the sky looked this morning.

Tonight my husband is at a work social event and my mom invited the kids over to spend the night.  So I am in my house by myself, drinking a glass of wine.  I can't tell you what a treat this is.  I'm going to watch a horror movie and just enjoy the solitude while it lasts!

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