Sunday, April 13, 2014


Well, it's time for the public shaming.  Not only did I not lose any weight this week, I actually put some back on.

Weigh In:  134.9

It's been 12 weeks and I haven't really made any progress.  I'm feeling extremely frustrated, especially with myself.  Although I'm starting to suspect that there may be a medical reason.  I'm not trying to make an excuse, because I know I'm not making 100% perfect choices about food, and this hadn't even crossed my mind until I started doing some research about another issue.

My eyebrows are disappearing.  I have always had very dark, thick eyebrows.  I've never been one to wear much makeup or do too much "beauty maintenance", so they've just always been pretty much as they've grown, except for plucking between my brows, not even I was OK with unibrow.  I was actually planning on writing a post about how while I don't love my wrinkles, I was dealing alright with them, but I wasn't feeling very good about the effects of aging on my eyebrows.  The thing is, I look weird without them.  I just look completely washed out and bizarre.  So I decided to research what I can do about it (one suggestion was Rogaine for Men on a q-tip), and found that while aging can cause this, another cause is hypothyroidism.

Since I can't seem to lose weight, almost never get enough sleep, and even when I do I still feel fatigued, and now since my eyebrows are disappearing rather rapidly which are all symptoms; I think it's time to go see the doctor.  I'm not one to self-diagnose and I could be completely wrong here, but it seems a bit too coincidental that I'm having pretty much every symptom described.  I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to get in to see the doctor with my work schedule, but I've decided I need to make it a priority.

I'm not going to stop trying to make good choices about my food in the meantime, and I'll never give up my exercise, but maybe I could get some help and not have to fight quite so hard.  That would be somewhat of a relief if it was the case.  I'll let you know when I know!

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