Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring (or Maybe Stumble) Forward

I've never liked Daylight Saving Time.  I've always thought it was unnatural to mess with our bodies circadian rhythms, and I have enough trouble sleeping without having to reset my body's clock twice per year.  But this year I've decided to choose a different attitude about it.  I've decided to remind myself that there will be good light for pictures for longer in the evening, and that not too long after Daylight Saving Time starts I'll start to see flowers again.  The other thing I've noticed looking back through journal entries over the years is that I always seem to feel really good in May when I can be outside and feel a gentle, warm breeze.  This is also the time of year when I can actually take walks with my husband and kids after work since it's still light outside.

We're getting snow again today, and I thought my little green plant (it's from my grandpa's funeral) against the snowy backdrop would serve as a reminder that spring will come again, and that Daylight Saving Time is one of the harbingers.  I can't stop it, it's going to occur whether I want it to or not.  So this year I'm going to choose gratitude and a good attitude, even if it does feel like 3:15 in the morning when I get up to workout on Monday morning!

On a completely different note, I'm going to vent a little about my drive home from work today.  I normally ride the bus to work, but on Fridays we work half days so I drive in.  Colorado law requires that headlights be turned on when visibility is limited to 1,000 feet or less due to weather conditions.  Unless all of my fellow drivers were from the planet Crypton and had x-ray vision, everyone should have had their headlights on.  Visibility was significantly less than 1,000 feet on I-25 at noon, but about 60% of the cars did not have headlights on which made the drive a little nerve-wracking.  Plus, the local radio station was doing a throwback lunch, and I'd like to know when songs that were popular after I graduated from college became "throwback" songs.  I guess I really need to start wrapping my head around the fact that I graduated from college almost 18 years ago.

But tonight I get to go to the Mother-Son event at my son's school, and this weekend marks the change to longer daylight in the evenings.  So I guess I'll get over my drive and start working on that positive attitude right now.

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