I haven't been posting much here lately (or on any social media platform) because I've been struggling with life of late. I'm finding parenting teenagers to be more challenging than the younger years. The thing is, I have very clear memories of the way I felt at that age, so I fully understand where my kids are coming from. But that doesn't change the fact that it's extremely frustrating to know what is best for my children and have them refuse to hear me. I want to be a good mother, but feel like I frequently fall short of that goal, so I've been feeling pretty low. But I'm working on it, and trying to remember that I need to be a good role model so I have to overcome those feelings.
I still haven't finished losing the last 5 - 6 pounds that I need to shed in order to reach my final goal weight, but the good news is that I haven't put any weight back on in the interim. The team of co-workers that worked together to lose the weight is about ready to do a final push, so hopefully it'll take less than a month to lose those last few pounds once I get serious again.
I had a fitness goal that I thought would really help to keep me motivated. My cousin and his family come out to visit us every summer, and my cousin's wife asked me to run in a 4-mile race with her in August. I was excited to bump up my training for it and have it as a new goal...until I got shin splints!! I've never had them before, and am feeling really old now. It's been slow to heal, I think primarily because it's my left leg and I'm an idiot and drive a manual transmission vehicle. When I picked out my truck I thought it would be so fun to drive (and it is) and that it would be a good skill to teach my kids. But my daughter has zero interest so just isn't motivated to learn to drive it. I think if she was in an emergency she could do it, but she's not smooth because she doesn't want to drive it very often. So the upshot is that I made a frivolous choice and now I get to pay for it. Sigh...
This morning I went on a walk/jog (since I can't run right now) and desperately wished I had my camera and tripod with me. The eastern sky was just beautiful with the sliver of the moon and Venus lighting up the morning. I knew there was no point in trying to capture it with my cell phone because it would have just been blurs of light against a dark background. I was motivated to move pretty quickly though when I was almost home. I was jogging down the path in the final 100 feet to my house when I heard a sound and a noticed a slight movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked and realized I was rapidly approaching a skunk just off the path who was looking pretty bristly and nervous. I turned around and ran back up the path at a very good clip and took the long way home. Since this is now the third time I've seen the skunk this summer, I think I may need to run to Costco and stock up on tomato juice just in case.
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