- It's Friday; that's self-explanatory.
- I slept through the night!
- Netflix just added The Babadook to streaming and my husband and I might go see It Follows tomorrow night, so I'll be getting my horror movie fix.
I can't remember the last time I actually slept through the night because it was so long ago. It's amazing how much better I feel this morning compared to almost every other morning when I get about 5 hours of sleep, on a good night. There's a bounce in my step and I'm finding it much more natural to smile.
Last night we attended my son's science fair. The kids did a really nice job on their experiments, and some of those kiddos were really good at presenting their information. I'm a pretty extreme introvert, so those events are kind of hard on me. But instead of interacting with the other parents which wears me out, I just walked around and talked to the kids at each station. Some of them had done lots of research on their topics. Interestingly, I've never had any problem interacting with kids, and it didn't exhaust me the way it would have if I'd had to chat with the parents. I'm weird. But I guess this is why I've always worked so well with kids.
We had a mix of snow and rain all day yesterday, so it was very wet walking down the creek to the school last night. It was beautiful to see the see the new blooms covered in snow. The creek was rushing it was so full, and there were places it was about to overflow. Since the moisture continued all night, there are places where it is overflowing the banks today. All of this wet snow and rain will be really good for the plants.
I've been doing much better overall with my food lately. But it's still really hard. I never miss my workouts, but I don't always manage to eat an appropriate number of calories to create a deficit which will result in weight loss. I've decided that I'm not only fighting evolution and human biology here, but also Newton's First Law of Motion. This is the law which states (paraphrased) that objects in motion tend to stay in motion. It's not hard to start my workout because what else am I going to do at 4:15 in the morning? Once I start my workout it's easy to keep going. But the problem is that the same is true for eating: once I start eating, it's hard to stop. So I haven't been perfect with the food, though I have made a huge improvement.
Tomorrow night my husband and I are going out for a date night. We've been so busy lately that we haven't made the time recently to spend much time together. Though we have been trying to take walks in the evening, so we're not totally out of touch. But it will be really nice to spend some concentrated time focused on each other. My mom even offered to have the kids spend the night with her, so we won't have any responsibilities again until Sunday morning! I hope you all have a great weekend.
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