Monday, February 2, 2015

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This

Today has been one of those days where I just want to crawl back into bed and stop interacting with other human beings. My boss put me in a very bad position today by giving me instructions to go against what the CEO told me to do. So I had to make a judgment call and I followed the CEO's instructions and apologized to my boss. I'm pretty annoyed though that she'd put in this type of position to begin with.

I'm also having a bit of an issue with my son's teacher. She sent us a nasty-gram over the weekend about how he wasn't doing his work last week. So I told her we'd do what we could to support her, but we don't have a mechanism to understand what he should be working on. The kids are supposed to complete their planner every day with the homework they need to do. Well, when there isn't anything in the planner and he claims he doesn't have any homework, and she won't respond to emails or join the 21st century and use a website to list assignments; I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do.

So I wrote back to her (using paper and pen) asking what we could do to find out what homework he should be working on. Her response was "A lot of it is work he doesn't want to finish at school." That is verbatim, including the underlined word. Now I ask you, what exactly am I supposed to do with this response? So great, now I know what type of work he isn't doing, but I still don't know what work I should be making sure he's getting done. Anyway...

Apparently I wasn't the only one who was a bit surprised by the amount of snow we got yesterday, as the local news felt compelled to explain their weather models to justify why they underestimated the amount of snow in their predictions. According to my weather app on my phone, we're supposed to get snow again on Wednesday, which is good because we had a great deal of sun and wind today so most of our pretty snow is gone. It still looked very beautiful and wintry this morning though.

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