Monday, October 3, 2016

There's Gold in Them Thar Hills!

Whew, this last week was crazy! I went to a conference in Chicago, and realized that I was so busy this time that I didn't take one photo the whole time I was there. I left home before 5 AM on Monday only to find that the travel company for my work hadn't booked a ticket, even though I got a confirmation. Luckily there was still space on the flight so I was able to get to Chicago. But I forgot to have any caffeine at all that day (yeah, I'm addicted), and got the worst headache that made me totally nauseated and ended up missing the opening session of the conference since I was in bed at the hotel. There were over 7,000 people at this conference, which is a bit much for this introvert. So by the time I got home on Thursday, well, actually early Friday since my flight was delayed leaving O'hare, I was SO done with people. Luckily a quiet couple sat next to me on the flight home.

We've also been really busy lately with my daughter's activities since it's marching band season, and she's doing theater tech, on top of her increasingly more demanding class load. We spent all day Saturday at a marching band competition, then Sunday we made it up to the mountains to see the colors. We were probably one week late for the prime colors, but we still had some nice views of the golden aspen trees.

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