Monday, September 19, 2016

Still Sporadic and Some Autumn Photos

I was hoping to be posting more regularly by now, but my emotional state has still been too volatile from dealing with my son's issues. I yo-yo between bleak despair and guarded hope, sometimes within just a few moments. Sometimes I'm able to take the long view and trust that everything will work out in the end. Other times I feel so mired in adverse situations that I think we'll never raise our son to be a happy, productive adult. Rather than subject my readers to my emotional states, which could cause whiplash, I've been posting less frequently. Perhaps someday I'll come out on the other side of this!

I am getting very excited for autumn though. It's my favorite time of the year and we're starting to see the signs around here. I have been trying to take photos again because it makes me so much happier to do something for myself.

My husband and I took a walk this evening after dinner and I got a couple of shots of the changing leaves.

The light was starting to fade on this one below and unfortunately I only had my phone camera, but you can still see the cherries and yellow leaves.

I love these rust-colored chrysanthemums that bloom in late summer/early autumn. These are in my front yard.

The apples and cherries are nearly ready for harvest around our neighborhood.

I've seen a couple of really cool spider webs lately, too.

Probably my favorite photo that I've captured lately was the nearly full moon the other night.

I hope that all of you are doing well and getting excited for the season. I don't think I have any readers in the southern hemisphere so I think we're all heading into the same season!

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