I'm still here; I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. There's been a great deal of activity at both work and home lately. I haven't had time to take any pictures and I haven't had much to say. At least not much that wouldn't make me sound like a broken record.
When I took my walk this morning I had to take a different route since the city was watering the path I normally take. Watering with reclaimed water, which is great for the environment, but I'm not walking through that. Firstly, the part of the creek with lots of trees is really dark, and slightly creepy, at 4:30 in the morning when there's no moon. Secondly, walking past the elementary school where I no longer have any kids enrolled makes me sad. I suppose I'll get used to it eventually since it's in my neighborhood, but right now it's still a forceful reminder that I don't have little kids any longer.
I took another walk on this somnolent late summer afternoon while my daughter was at piano and got a few photos.
This spider on the lamp was enormous, I wanted to get a photo with the light bulb to give some perspective on the size of this guy. You can also see the little tiny spider right next to him.
The second 10-day challenge that I've set for myself isn't going as well as the first one. I'm still losing, but not as much since I only maintained for a few days. But that's better than gaining again. I'll write more about that this coming weekend.
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