Last night we attended the high school open house for my daughter (thus no post). The advanced academic program that she's entering has an elective class for half of each year she's there where they work on tactical college preparation. In the younger grades they work on identifying their aspirations and goals and which colleges can assist with those dreams. Then they move onto to test preparation, and finally their senior year they actually help each other with essays, applications, and interviews. As we were sitting in the classroom (in desks which we finally fit into) listening to the information, all I could think about was how is it possible that we're talking about college for my daughter?! Wasn't it just a couple of days ago that we were bringing home this little baby girl from the hospital and I was feeling totally overwhelmed by how much I loved her? It's amazing how long 14 years feels when you're young, and how quickly it passes when you're a parent.

I think she's going to do wonderfully and that this school will be a really great fit for her. I'm just having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she'll be 14 years old in a couple of weeks, and starting high school this fall. I'm going to be the mother of a high school student. It's just not computing right now.
Maybe because of the emotions the evening stirred up for me, I couldn't sleep worth a darn last night. I fell asleep sometime after 9:00, and woke up about midnight, and was awake until almost 3:00. Then I had a dream that my son was messing with a snake and it was biting him so I was trying to get him away and then the snake bit me. I awoke with a jerking motion at 3:51. I did manage to doze a little again before the alarm went off at 4:15. That's just not enough sleep. Luckily it was a busy day at work so I didn't feel it too badly until the afternoon. Since I was awake anyway, I managed to get this interesting shot of the moon through the icicles lining the back of my house at about 2:00.
We have some pretty amazing icicles in our neighborhood right now. This monster is hanging off of my neighbor's second story. There's a second picture to really show the perspective, that is a 6-foot privacy fence.
I finally saw the mountains this morning briefly for the first time in several days. Then the weather moved back in and hid them from view and it started snowing again around 9:00 in the morning. I do love the snow, and am so glad that we've gotten some that's stuck around. However, this isn't "normal" Colorado weather and I miss seeing "my mountains" as my grandmother always called them. Luckily we're heading up to Estes Park to stay in a cabin and do some snowshoeing this weekend, so I can get my mountain fix.
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