Sunday, December 28, 2014

Legos Galore!

We had an absolutely beautiful day today.  This is supposed to be the last nice day for about a week.  We have another big snowstorm coming tomorrow, along with bitter cold that should be staying for awhile.  The birds were out in force this morning, perhaps they were enjoying the last nice morning too.

I took my son and his friend to a mall that's quite a distance from our house today, so they could visit the Lego store.  I really don't like shopping, and I especially dislike malls.  But I guess I must be in the minority based on the number of people at that mall today.  The boys had a great time though, and looked through nearly everything in the store.  Then we came back home and they've been building a new Hobbit Lego set for hours.  I'm not sure how many more Lego sets my son can actually fit in his room.  We have a set of drawers where he keeps spare Legos.  He has a a tower of Lego containers where small sets and mini figures reside.  We also bought him shelving that covers most of one wall to store Lego sets, and they're overflowing.  The Lego Tower of Orthanc sits on his bookshelf because it's too tall to sit anywhere else.  I'm not sure there's going to space for him in his room much longer!  But I keep reminding myself that it's a good engineering toy, and there are worse things he could enjoy playing with.  Of course, there are also cheaper toys he could enjoy, but it does give people something to get him for Christmas and birthdays.

I got to play with my new Christmas gift today also.  I received Lightroom as my gift from my family, and I turned my first picture black and white, while maintaining the color of the flower.  I also started playing with the watermark.  There are obviously many other uses for this photo editing software, but this was something I'd been wanting to be able to do for quite some time.  I'm very excited to really get in and use it more, and see what kinds of art photos I can make.

On another note, I have been eating better the last couple of days, so hopefully my first weigh-in of 2015 won't be as bad as it could be if I just totally let go of any discipline during my holiday break.

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