Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Independence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays.  There's something magical about sitting outside under the night sky and watching colorful explosions.  We've always spent time with family on the holiday.  July 4, 1997 was the first time my husband met my parents.  I have lots of wonderful memories of the holiday and enjoy it even more now with my kiddos.

We're having some inclement weather this year, so there's a chance that we may not get to watch the fireworks tonight.  I'm hoping that even if it's pouring rain we can walk down to the open space and watch the fireworks at the city center.  We normally walk over the city park and sit on the hillside, but it may be standing under a tree at the bottom of the creek this year.  We'll just have to see.

This morning we went hiking with my mom, aunt, and my brother and his family.  It was a nice hike, but my nephew (he's 4 years old) and the dogs were having problems with the hike and the heat, so we had to cut it short and didn't get to go for as long as we'd planned.  I think we'll have to go back again and complete this hike, because it was beautiful.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed here in Colorado because there are just so many people.  But then I have views like this and know that I don't want to leave.  Plus, although it was very hot today, at least we never have to deal with humidity!

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