If you happened to catch my post from yesterday you probably realize that it was a pretty difficult day for me and that I was experiencing a bit of an existential crisis. I wondered if I was sharing too much information but I know how I appreciate hearing what others are going through. When I realize that I'm not the only one feeling a certain way it helps me to feel less alone and less freakish.
There were several reasons why yesterday was so difficult. It had been exactly one month since my dad died, my son was exhibiting some of the worst behavior we'd seen in a long time, and I got the lab results from my blood tests. Other than a low Vitamin D level, everything was normal. So no thyroid issues that can be treated. I know I should be grateful that nothing is wrong, but now I feel like I'm back to square one. I still don't feel right and don't know what to do about it. I'm going to call my doctor to discuss the results, but I don't imagine that he'll have much more information for me.
There were several reasons why yesterday was so difficult. It had been exactly one month since my dad died, my son was exhibiting some of the worst behavior we'd seen in a long time, and I got the lab results from my blood tests. Other than a low Vitamin D level, everything was normal. So no thyroid issues that can be treated. I know I should be grateful that nothing is wrong, but now I feel like I'm back to square one. I still don't feel right and don't know what to do about it. I'm going to call my doctor to discuss the results, but I don't imagine that he'll have much more information for me.
My next guess is that it's stress manifesting in physical symptoms, so I guess it's time to get serious about managing my stress. I'm having mixed results with that today. I actually did pretty well even when a major monkey wrench was thrown into the works. But I'm currently experiencing some pretty severe tension in my back and neck due to my son's behavior again tonight. Thank goodness we have an appointment with the therapist this weekend; I think we may ALL need it.
In positive health news, I have been managing to get better workouts in since this weekend. I've been trying to push myself harder since I realized that I got a good workout from the Wii Fit. My thighs are pretty sore tonight, so I think I've been doing something right. I've also managed to get two days under my belt of really good eating. I've got a long way to go, but one day at a time is how it gets accomplished.
In positive health news, I have been managing to get better workouts in since this weekend. I've been trying to push myself harder since I realized that I got a good workout from the Wii Fit. My thighs are pretty sore tonight, so I think I've been doing something right. I've also managed to get two days under my belt of really good eating. I've got a long way to go, but one day at a time is how it gets accomplished.
A flowering tree I saw on a walk yesterday, the snow and frost spared these blooms |
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