Friday, January 31, 2014

Less Than Expected

We did not get as much snow as the initial forecasts thought we would.  I woke up to about 3 inches, which was still quite lovely!

This morning at 4:15 there was still a light snowfall.

By noon the snow had stopped and the trees were still simply beautiful.

It was a wet, heavy snow more like we typically see in the Spring time.  I replaced my workout this morning with snow shoveling, and I am feeling it in my arms!  I'm sure I woke up the entire neighborhood between scraping the shovel on the concrete and then banging it on the street to clear off the sticky snow!  Luckily my husband came out and helped or I wouldn't have gotten to work on time.

One of the best things about my job (other than the fact that I absolutely love the work I do!) is half-day Fridays.  So now I'm back home and I get to enjoy a quiet house until the kids get done with school and my husband gets home from work.  Since the weather is just perfect for it, I'm going to snuggle up in my blanket and read.  I'm currently reading the 2nd book in The Strain trilogy by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan.  I highly recommend the series if you enjoy vampire stories.  It's a very original idea and well written.  So now I'm off to enjoy a lazy, snowy afternoon.

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