Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Choosing To Be Grateful Series

The other night at dinner with friends the topic of the government wanting to study happiness came up.  I said that I’ve been reading a great deal of history books lately and while we have it so much easier and better than people in the past who very often lived short and brutal lives; I think there’s basically a human happiness set-point.  Obviously some people are happier than others, but from an overall standpoint I’m not sure that humans will ever be much happier.  I said that I’m happy but not content.  My husband and I talked later and decided that perhaps that is as it should be.  Too much contentment can stifle creativity and progress.

But even with my overall happiness, I know that I sometimes allow myself to wallow in negativity.  So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about the things for which I’m grateful that lead to my overall happiness.

So here's the first in my series:

I'm grateful for my husband.  I wasn't always sure that I wanted to get married.  I knew that I could never marry someone like my father because I'm too much like my father.  If that was my only option I thought it would be better to be single.  Then I met my wonderful husband.  He's loving, supportive, and able to deal with me and all of my quirks.  I have a partner who's always on my side.  I have a co-parent and that is definitely helpful so Mommy can have a time-out sometimes.  Our marriage isn't always sunshine and roses, but even when it's not we're on the same team.  It's been almost 14 years now and I still think marrying my husband was one of the best decisions of my life.

Yes, that is an Opeth t-shirt and a Dream Theater hat.  I did marry a music geek!

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