Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blogging Break

Since it's happened organically anyway, I figured I ought to make it official. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything in my life these days. The blogs I read are piling up and I think I'm going to have to just "mark all as read" and give up pretty soon. My personal emails are getting really out of hand. I think I've dealt with any that were really important, but I have so many sitting there that need to be addressed I am worried about missing something.

I come home each evening after work and I have household chores to accomplish, and I'm so tired that I have to take a short nap while my husband is working on dinner. So the last thing that I've been able to muster is the energy to write something interesting. I'm not sure how long my break will be. I don't think this is permanent, and I may have more time and energy this summer when the kids aren't in school.

My son has still been having his ups and downs. But I think (hope) that I'm pretty much done mourning the fact that parenting him isn't going to be what I expected. I feel like I'm doing a better job of appreciating him for who he is and managing my expectations that things are just going to be more challenging.

We've had a rainy, gray spring so far, although this morning was sunny. Then as l I got close to work everything was socked in by fog. It burned off by the late morning and I was able to sit outside with my coworkers during lunch today.

I'm hoping that at some point in the not-too-distant future I'll have the time and energy to write and post photos again, but until that time stay well and be good to each other.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May Day Snow

Tulips in the snow.

Snow covered mountains this morning.
Yesterday was May Day and the snow was coming down very heavily in the morning. Although the mountains were beautiful this morning, I'm hoping that we're done with snow for the season. It sounds like it's supposed to be cold and rainy next weekend, but as long as the moisture falls in the form of rain instead of snow, I'm good with that. Although, I suppose my opinion doesn't actually matter to the weather!

I was so relieved to go outside this evening and see my lilacs and bleeding hearts survived the snow and temperatures below freezing this morning.

It's nice to see some color in my yard again, and I'm looking forward to a warmer week.