I love fall. I love the cooler air, the vibrant colors, and the rich smells of fall. I anxiously anticipate our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, and harvesting the last of the peppers and tomatoes from our garden. I have a pretty much iron-clad excuse to watch horror movies as soon as we flip the calendar over to October; not that I don't watch horror movies the rest of the year, I can just do so with impunity in October.
I also look forward to reading the stories that I save exclusively for this time of year. The anthology October Dreams edited by Richard Chizmar and Robert Morrish is absolutely my favorite collection of Halloween stories anywhere. Plus as an added bonus, many famous horror authors record their favorite Halloween memories. I can't recommend it enough if you enjoy a good scare in your reading or if you just want to recapture childhood memories of Halloween. While it's hard to see in this picture with my chrysanthemums, the poor book is a bit worn after being read annually for about ten years now. The other story I have to read every October is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. I actually read this one with my children now that they're old enough to appreciate it (9 and 12). The prose is simply beautiful and so evocative of the abundance of autumn.
I can't help but feel very grateful this time of year, so it isn't difficult to choose the proper mindset of appreciation. I've got a couple more posts percolating about choosing to be good to others which will be coming soon. In the meantime, check out the stories above and/or enjoy the pictures of the Colorado aspens. And of course, enjoy abundant autumn!